Day: October 17, 2008



Yet another film trailer utilizing the under appreciated soundtrack to The Fountain. Maybe if they use it enough people will research it and go watch the original film for which the music was specifically written (and fit really really really well in)?? nah… After all we didn’t see frat boys go out and buy any […]



I often say I would never see weezer today, and wish I could have in 1996 or 1997. From the looks of this set list from the show at the Forum earlier this month it appears they at least know not ALL the people in the audience are dumb kids who associate Weezer with TRL […]


the Rapture

now that I think of it… Antony might have sung Rapture Tuesday as well… and now… I can verify that yes, he did. And no, he did not sing Fistful of Love as the fat man was saying. Just as I suspected only 6 songs were “oldies”, two were covers and the rest (6) were […]

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