Ha ha! yes! I knew it!

so-called “Guitar legend” Esteban was stripped of his legendary status this week when it was discovered that he is an entirely fictional character created specifically to sell pressboard guitars in Read more

I miss you so much

Just so y’all know… I’m still without internet at home. I can check most everything at work..however, my domain (andrewlorenzlong.com) has apparently been permanently blocked by the firewall at work. Read more

no internet

So now I’m in the dark ages with no internet access at home and my site (for some reason) is blocked by the firewall at work. So, for the time Read more

belated post

Friday night three power surges hit my apartment while Amy and I were getting ready to watch a DVD. Each time the power snapped off and back on. After the Read more

ihop to the ranch

Last weekend Amy and I went to Rancho Santa Fe to visit with her Aunt and Uncle and her cousins Wayne and Jennifer. I’d been to their (Howard Chang and Read more