A long time ago I’d planned to go to Europe and visit friends this August. Due to financial difficulties that plan was backtracked to visiting a national park and/or visiting Seattle again. Due to further financial difficulties and scheduling conflicts (in Seattle) that plan was scaled down further into a couple of day trips. The […]
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another Friday night
Los Angeles ranked #7 on a list of global cities that was just released. Curiously behind New York City (#1) and Chicago (#6, who organized the study… biased??). I have no idea how they ranked them, but Art and Music probably didn’t factor in as much as other things like financial markets. If ranked on GDP […]
the art of convenience
Art Walk August
I was going to this art walk by myself, so I decided to wait for the traffic to die down to make my way downtown. Of course, this also meant the crowds would be bigger and the parking would be harder. The regular parking lots have been increasing their prices every time. One that used […]
Something’s Fishy
On Saturday, the 7th, I cleaned my room and, more importantly, the fish tank. This was the first time I’d actually taken the tank out since putting it in the wall. I decided to ditch the stones and rocks. I cleaned off the shells and put the big rock back in. It looks much more […]
Here is a photo of “the studio” with the “sky pilot” painting in the foreground. On the easel is another “astronaut” piece with a female “astronaut” descending into/onto some bright volcanic planet. This new painting looks in my head much like a Julian Callos piece (long arms and limbs, thin body, etc.). Or perhaps I […]
octopus culligan
Back in May my friend Garen asked me to work on a painting for his album (now likely an EP) that he’d complete before he moves to Michigan for UM’s engineering PhD program. I’ve always known Garen as a driven and talented musician, so I was pretty happy to do something in collaboration. We started off […]
New old stuff
This past weekend a friend showed me how to get “xp mode” up and running in Windows 7. It actually isn’t already in the install – you have to jump through a few hoops and download some files to get it to work. I’m experiencing some other problems with W7 (had to buy a new […]
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