

NOTE: entries from website version 3 were not archived, as such, this entry is the ONLY ONE. That is why there is a gap…



“finished” the Ugly Boy Productions site. Its not much right now, but much more content will be added as it becomes available. Check it out here http://www.angelfire.com/retro/uglyboy/ and yes, the albums that are spoken of on the bio pages on this site are in fact the albums that are onsale on the Ugly Boy site. […]


back in

got back into Columbus around 9 last night. For anyone curious….I’m ok. I’m going to see TOOL tomorrow night in Cleveland, they cancelled the Dayton show…so we all had our fingers crossed. Signed a new lease today, now Jeremy lives here and Aaron is moving to CA. Celeste also lives here too of course. I […]



Spent a few hours at the impound lot getting Jeremy’s car. Then we went to City Center (mall in downtown Columbus). Celeste bought a pair of shoes at contempo casuals to wear to her new job (Long’s Bookstore). When we got home we discovered they had sold her a box with two left shoes…that were […]

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