Year: 2004


all over

I’m not sure how to feel this morning other than bad. The prospect of four more years of Bush makes me physically ill. I wish I could be more like my loser peers and bask in apathetic ignorance. I have yet to hear a single person give an ethical reason to vote for Bush. Some […]


can’t imagine what is going in Ohio

So I go to vote this morning. I get there ten minutes before the polls open. The polling place is in some old guy’s garage in my neighborhood. Even though I got there early, and the outside temperature at that hour was around 45 degrees, there were at least fifteen people ahead of me. I […]


Closing Arguments for Kerry

Essay by Mr. Marriah Star: This will be my last post/essay/rant before election day. I will be campaigning in New Hampshire over the weekend and traveling to Pennsylvania on election day. Since this is the most important election of our lifetime, I encourage everyone else on the list to do something similar, regardless of if […]


nobody will check…trust me

You know, it seems like the Bush administration has been doing a lot of finger crossing behind it’s back these days. First Cheney says “I’ve never met you before tonight” to John Edwards in the VP debate….then video turns up of the two men (and their wives) sitting next to each other at an official […]


phew…I’m tired

Wednesday night Aaron and I culminated our four year friendship with the reason we met in the first place. Way back in 2000 (?) Aaron responded to an ad that I and Paul Rybak had posted around the OSU campus looking for a drummer. Aaron never had his set in Ohio, so I never got […]



“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” -Hermann Goering, Luftwaffe Commander-in-Cheif -The Nuremberg trials, […]



So it is Saturday…a day off. I’m going to take it easy. I’ll start off by meeting Amy for lunch. So I spend the morning catching up on some things and finally get ready to go meet her around noon. I walk out to my car and find my left front fender bashed in with […]

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