a fist painted in red white and blue

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a fist painted in red white and blue

You know what, call me Toby Keith, but I think the rest of the world is making too much of a big deal about the London bombing. More people died in the Pennsylvania plane crash on 911 than died in the bombings yesterday.. Yet the unanimous response around the world is “oh my god, this is the most horrible thing ever and we’ll get those damn terrorists.” This is more or less the same reaction they produced after 9/11, except we didn’t hear anybody in the background yesterday whispering “but they deserved it, those capitalist bastards.”

I think Dubya’s response/s to 9/11 was/were horribly misguided and only served to further his chickenhawk agenda. That said, at the time it happened we saw television images of Muslims celebrating in the streets in far off places. Why don’t we see that today? Lets compare these two historic events, shall we:

People dead on 9/11: Several thousand in New York alone
People dead on 7/7: 50 (so far) and hundreds wounded

Financial damage on 9/11: over 5 billion dollars for the physical buildings destroyed, when figuring in economic costs we start to approach a trillion dollar figure.
Financial damage on 7/7: a few million (depending on just how much of the subway was damaged)

Economic damage on 9/11: America’s foremost financial centers were completely destroyed. We were (and still are) a nation run on the worship of the almighty dollar, on 9/11 we were effectively castrated.
Economic damage on 7/7: none, every news channel was carrying the story yesterday about how “Londoners still have that infamous ‘stiff upper lip'” Most of the Londoners interviewed showed little concern over the tragedy.

Political fallout on 9/11: Terrorist fearing (or fear of voters who fear terrorists) politicians lined up behind the president to let him rape America’s long standing beliefs about privacy and civil liberties. Terrorist fearing voters (albeit voters who DON’T LIVE IN THE CITIES THAT WOULD/WILL BE ATTACKED) presented a self described “war president” the chance to continue his agenda of destruction on both sides of the world (economic here and physical there) for another four years.
Political fallout on 7/7: Everybody loves Britain again. Tony Blair’s political critics (very vocal during his reelection campaign) are effectively silenced…gee…that sounds familiar…

I’m not saying it doesn’t suck for the people in London that got killed, it does. I’m just saying that comparing this to what happened to America on 9/11 is grossly inaccurate and should be offensive to Americans.

2 thoughts on “a fist painted in red white and blue

  1. I agree with you…. But do you remember watching the Tony RObbins dvd last weekend? Wasn’t that great, how the two men united and became a family with one another? Regardless of race? I may be a potato, but you should still call me your brother!!!

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