Month: June 2008



It isn’t often that I rave about a product. Today I have to rave out a piece of (FREE) software that we’ve all heard of before but many (including me) may have never used. Beverly is in England on business for a few weeks this month – so for the past week we’ve been trying […]


getting stoned

On Thursday I headed to Stoney Point with Victor and another friend. This friend was an experienced rock climber. At one point on the climb our rock-climbing instructor taught us how to scale a boulder. It took us about an hour (and watching him do it twice) and many scrapes and bruises till we could […]


new site

Well, the new site design is done…sort of. Still have to work out some kinks in a few places (including the other blog pages)… but overall I think this is done. Now time to get started on the dreaded redesign! oh – and ps – I got my rejection email from UCLA this week. […]



this is still one of my favorite songs of all time. I’m listening to it over and over on LastFM since I lost my mp3 copy (somehow…). I’m listening to it as I put the (hopefully) finishing touches on the new version of this site. I hope to launch next week. …..stay tuned…..

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