six flags

ok….well never mind about the six flags deal….thought we had free tickets…guess not…

I just found out today that when I get to Cleveland a large amount of Celeste’s extended family will be waiting to meet me before they go home (to wherever they are from). I just shaved a lot of my hair off……so I’m not feeling too confident about it. Wish me luck. I’ll be there in about nine hours (10:30 am).

I’ll be out of communication with the rest of the world for the next four days, so don’t hate me if I don’t email you back for a week.

Last night a party across the street got broken up by the cops. Four squad cars, one wagon, and five bike cops……just to stop some kids from having some fun on their own property. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t drink and don’t encourage anyone else to do so….but leave the kids alone if they aren’t hurting anybody. Brit Kirwin shouldn’t have the right to impose martial law on the children of those that pay his salary.


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