
Doug’s wedding, Long family site, media converting, Sternwheeler festival

I want to give a belated congradulations to my cousin Doug and his bride Heidi, they were married on August 18th. I wish you many happy years together.

Several of the people from my (dad’s side of the) family who I sent a link to this site also received an email about the Long family site I’m building. Please note that this site is NOT the Long family site. I’m waiting to receive more information before completing that site. The family reunion is on the 16th and I hope to harvest a lot of information at that time, so the site probably won’t be up till mid-October.

If anyone in the Columbus (Ohio) area can give me a good deal on Star Fox 64, I’ll buy it…just send me an email

Also, does anyone in the Columbus area have the equipment to convert cassette media to computer, or to cdr? I’m going to make a website for Ugly Boy Records in the next few months and I want to have preview mp3s of some of those songs on my albums (see “bio”).

Also, if anyone out there needs a web designer, I’m seeking employment in the feild, I also do contract jobs for private individuals. Just click “contact” and drop me a line.

I may be heading to Cleveland this weekend but I’m not sure yet. B, I’ll let you know my plans as soon as possible….if you are still planning on coming up Saturday.

This Saturday in Marietta Ohio is the annual Sternwheeler Festival. It sounds lame, and the boat part kind of is. But they have a “most triumphant” fireworks show. Last year they even had those fireworks that cascade off of a bridge like at the Sidney (Australia) new years (2000) fireworks. So if you are in Ohio and bored this weekend,just head down 77 south to Marietta. The fireworks are Saturday probably around ten pm.

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