Friday in Seattle

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Friday in Seattle

This is the carpet in Byron’s apartment building… it looked really familiar to me…

Friday morning (editor’s note: “morning” in Seattle is equivalent to “lunchtime” in my Los Angeles life) we walked down the hill to Pike’s Place market for some Piroshkies and soups. 

After that we went to the Farmer’s Market and onto another walking tour to various parts of the city including pioneer square. 

Closer to the water from the market was this complex that I thought would be a great artist colony. 

I had set down my snapple for a second on the ledge to take this photo.  When I turned back around someone had seized the opportunity and left their trash next to my (not) trash.

This had to be from tourists as Seattle has a pretty obvious commitment to recycling.

Totems in Pioneer Square.

This woman got sprayed:

I think there is a parking garage like this in Westwood too.


There isn’t a kilt store in Westwood though.

This store that sold cool antiqueish stuff also sold (uncool) scrabble pieces for TWO DOLLARS EACH.  c’mon man…  Is there no Target in Seattle?  This brought the price discrimination lecture from economics to mind.

Electric Harp.  The song the guy was playing sounded so familiar, but we couldn’t place it.  After a few minutes I think I recognized it as the slowed down radiohead cover of Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Several times in my visit these larouchedouchepac guys would pop up as we walked around.  Lyndon should be old enough to know that the first person to bring up Hitler in an argument loses…  but some people never learn.  (I know it is hard to see in the photo here, but the large Obama poster features a toothbrush mustache – and the first link on their website is “Obama’s Nazi Health Care Plan”)

Later we visited Byron’s friends for dinner at “the best Indian place in town.”  It was very good, we ate it with some kind of berry beer that was good as well. After that we all went back to their house.  Byron and I collaborated on a few large pieces.  Byron’s specialty is type design, both hand-written and digital.  So, we’d come up with an idea (here “despair”) and I’d do a marker sketch to which he’d do the lettering and we’d trade off going back and forth working on a few pieces at a time.  These were all on large newsprint paper.  I think we did three, here is the “despair” one:

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