aww, boohoo

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aww, boohoo

Hey, the guy has to fund his oil-for-blood program somehow.

I guess if you kill their sons and take away their livelyhood they will still support you as long as that rifle can still (legally) sit on the mantle and your daughter can’t get an abortion when you rape her because she’d have to come ask you for permission.

“we don’t want your tax and spend liberal policies Kerry” say the farmers in November

“oops” say the farmers in February when someone explains to them that “subsidies” are part of that spending.

hmm… 80 billion to fund the continued killing of turban wearing folk on the other side of the world…or 80 billion to fund the growing of the food that keeps our citizens alive….

Last fall the farmers were more interested in protecting Iraqi’s right to farm than their own. Not to mention the fact that they thought they’d know better how to protect Los Angeles and New York from terrorists than LOS ANGELES AND NEW YORK DO…but that is another post for another day.

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