HA! my smoking gun!

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HA! my smoking gun!

http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1816768,00.asp (fourth paragraph)

Finally I have something to say to the Appleheads that deride me for using a PC to do all my design work. God I’m so tired of hearing “You’re a graphic designer huh? So you must be a mac guy right? …what?! why not?…but aren’t they better?!” Some unscrupulous (god I wish Pmachine had a spellchecker) print shops have even had the gall to suggest that I ask the company I work for to buy me a seperate Mac computer so I can make it easier for them (the printer) to open my files since THEY prefer to work on a Mac.

Well, I’ve got news for you Mac nerd boys, the geniuses that made the artwork (because that is what CG of this caliber is I believe) for Star Wars that you waited in line for four hours to see was made on a PC actually SLOWER than the one I have at home right now!

Suck on that, Steve Jobs.

oh …and I just wanted to say one more thing –

Ipods Suck!


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