downtown LA night photography


Over a month ago some plans fell through, so I did something I’d been wanting to do for a long time: buy a tripod and walk around downtown Los Angeles at night.

It turns out that really means RUNNING around Los Angeles because there was no way I’d get all the pictures I wanted in the time between sunset and midnight.  To make things more complicated there was some “neon electric run” event going on at the same time, with thousands of college kids running around in neon clothes with glow in the dark things, going to every single spot I was to check them off of their scavenger hunt list.

And I’m not making this up at all, it’s a thing, and it’s coming to a city near you:

It actually looked kind of fun, Sam and I will be in Denver when it’s happening there, and I might pressure her to participate as I think it would be a fun way to explore the city for the first time.

Anyway – there were too many photos from my excursion to plug into a blog entry, so I’ll ask you to check out my Flickr gallery if you’re interested.

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