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I got an email today from my brother in response to my post the other day. I’m assuming he’d want this posted as the title to the email is: “your site didn’t allow me to post this but here is my response.”

unaltered text from the email is below:


no, seriously, what the hell is all this?
we didnt ask to have the dinner reschedualed, i had been asking mom for
WEEKS when the dinner would be, only to have it switched on US at the last
moment. which, BTW it did not happen at a good time for us anyway. and as
for ignored…… spent more time in that room than out of it. i tried
to include you but how the hell can i do that when you were too sick to do
anything? and no, it is not a part time job, do you want me to mail you
copies of my paystubs showing all the overtime ive been racking up?
as for the lack of gifts……..i had no chance to buy anything since the
wreck. i love how you seem to know everything about my situation, but only
got fed parts of the story.
as for free food, thats funny considering i purposely don’t eat at home as
much as i can. but im sure you just chalk that up to my “teenage” antics.

as for living at home, it has never been nor ever will be my intention to
stay here. i dont like the situation any more than dad does. and i do plan
on moving out as soon as i repay my debts.

yeah, i mentioned getting another cougar….as just talk. what is wrong
with that? if it fits within my budget to get a car that i actually like
then what is wrong with that? the chances of it happening might be slim,
but then again, i dont remember some rule about not being allowed to have

oh btw, Emily DOES give me rides. virtually all of my trips to work and
home have been from her. the only times i get a ride from mom is when she
offers it. and even then i try to find other ways. but i suppose you never
got any of those details.

or how about the fact that i only moved down here in the first place at moms
urging, and i was living on my own and paying for all my own bills prior to
the move.

i cannot believe you actually think i want this situation. the concept is

as for listening to your songs, actually, i was trying to show them off. i
had been telling emily and her brother how good you were.

and as for not saying goodbye….i knew you were sick and didn’t want to
disturb you.(you were hiding out in your old room). and since when were we
ever that close? how many times was christmas moved around to fit your
schedule? how many times did you run off without even a word to me? all
the sudden im a bastard because i didnt say bye?!! when have i ever gotten
that courtesy from you? jesus andrew when have we ever exchanged goodbyes?
did it occur to you that maybe i left to go visit with emilys family? its
not like you would have prefered us being there anyway. you came all that
way to see our parents, not me.

but, im sure all this will fall on deaf ears. you only see things the way
you want to see them. never let the facts or the truth get in the way of a
“jon is a bastard” tirade.

i cant believe this from you though. how would you like all your dirty
laundry put on a public website like this? where you seem to have some
desire to voice all my percieved faults, you don’t see me blabbing about
all the bad stuff you’ve done. but then again i never claimed to be like

there is so much more i could say, but its not worth it.

you want a goodbye, here it is: GOODBYE!

5 thoughts on “Response

  1. or how about the fact that i only moved down here in the first place at moms
    urging, and i was living on my own and paying for all my own bills prior to
    the move.

    “mom” being the Warrior Princess
    “living on my own”being pissing $30,000 plus down the video game black hole and then having no income after getting a car paid for by “the other mom”. “paying of a debt” is ignoring it untill(hopefully) everybody forgets about it.
    how dare you put this out in the public!!!that is reserved for 12 year olds to tell the world that their father is full of hot air!!!!! and he is prone to power trips!!!!!!! and he throws fits!!!!!!!!!and he actually expects you (gag) ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING RATHER THAN LIVE IN A TOXIC WASTE DUMP OF YOUR OWN CREATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mommy will get your assss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think Ted will take a look at his qb and another “great” running back and see what happens when you get to believing everything your mommy tells you. If Ted grows for a couple of more years at OSU he will be fantastic in the pros; if he does a Maurice the pros will eat him alive. Troy has national champ writen all over him. Go bucks.

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