then you’ve got people like this going the other way. These people assert that Peak Oil is a scam…
A scam perpetrated by our government to control the world population in order to dominate it… Too often Peak Oil “fansites” are linked to scientific articles while these “Peak Oil is a scam” sites are linked to websites that also say crazy things like the world trade center was demolished by government explosives. (they intercepted the plans for the plane attacks and then laced the buildings with explosives to collapse the buildings on impact – thus making it easier to send troops to Iraq and start terrorist wars)
The article I linked above has great links about Saudis making enough oil to power the world for fifty years – and Mexico finding underwater oil fields to rival Iraq’s production figures… I hope all these things are true, but who knows…
We went to Iraq for oil. Fact. Now the Why is the remaining question. The answer to which may not appear for several decades much as people questioned JFK’s bold plan to land on the moon which would spark decades of technological innovations originated from the space program. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Bush’s decision was necessarily the right one. I’m just saying we don’t yet know which evil motive he had for doing it. To topple a dictator who tried to kill his father? To control one more of the major sources of oil (whether it is drying up or not)? To put the country in a state of perpetual fear and thus submission to a NeoConservative agenda that has been waiting for the right time to be introduced for decades (the patriot act)? Or maybe to simply “wag the dog” away from failing economic and fiscal policies….
Only time will tell. Or an impeachment. Bush isn’t suave enough to seduce a college girl from Beverly Hills though, so we won’t have another one of those.
When someone says “trust me”–don’t trust them. When someone says “the noted famous expert yadda, yadda” they are probably not famous or expert. The first phrase you learn when becoming an expert is”all else being equal” (it never is). Oil is just a cheap source of power–a loose hydrocarbon. None of our tech. demands oil as a sole source of power, we use it because it is cheap. Beer, cow poop, farts, coal, wood, peanut oil, fat slobby movie makers–all good sources of hydocarbon.
When someone says “trust me”–don’t trust them. When someone says “the noted famous expert yadda, yadda” they are probably not famous or expert. The first phrase you learn when becoming an expert is”all else being equal” (it never is). Oil is just a cheap source of power–a loose hydrocarbon. None of our tech. demands oil as a sole source of power, we use it because it is cheap. Beer, cow poop, farts, coal, wood, peanut oil, fat slobby movie makers–all good sources of hydocarbon.
F****** dial up–please remove the redundent.