stupid javascript

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stupid javascript

More menu problems

The menu on the blog part of the site was not working at all at first. I redid all the links in the code so it wouldn’t identify the “pmachine” (the software running this blog) folder as the site root… So that fixed all the links except for the two pop-ups (the merchandise and services pages). Those I still haven’t been able to fix because the javascript function refuses to work… so I just made them regular links…which means you have to use the back button to get back to the blog from there… but most people are smart enough to do that…so I’m not worried.

4 thoughts on “stupid javascript

  1. i wonder if this is working. if the post goes through and i can actually read it later then voila! i guess it works. funny how the php is called pmachine. some call me lmachine. short for love machine. i process pleasure all day baby.

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