
5 thoughts on “yep

  1. Maybe he should have lied with a fake “black” lilt–no, that would have made him a ‘crat. Scooter didn’t lie to me. Do you mean to tell me you watch Slobberman on More Shitty NBC on a regular basis?

  2. Well, did Mr. “they have WMDs” lie to you? Is a lie by definition only really a lie if it comes out of a democrat’s mouth?

    Lie to the country about cheating on your wife – “BAD! GET THAT ASSHOLE OUTTA THERE!”

    Lie to the country about why we went to war and 3,000 soldiers are dead – meh…”we ALL thought he had them” (except for every other country in the world… but they don’t count since we’re the tyran- oops – I meant leader).

    I almost never watch TV news now. When CNN added Glenn Beck that was kind of the last straw for me.

    I’m sure Rush is just licking his chops because the time is right for him to go back on tv talking about how black people can’t play football.

  3. A lie is a lie is a lie-He said he didn’t when he did (proven by DNA). I lied to protect my family (that I was cheating on); I only shot that cop because I wanted to feed my family–no conflict there. Were there WMD’s : most people on the ground said so–so “not finding them” is not the same as “we now know that they didn’t exist.” It was never proven that they don’t still exist (when in fact-proven-they were there). Silly rabbit; black people can’t COACH football (or become president of Havard).

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