Last night I had some of the best chinese food (not home cooked) ever at Hop Li’s in West Los Angeles. The orange peel chicken is most excellent as is the curry “soup” (thick enough to eat as a regular dish) and even the seafood soup was well done with finely fried fish filet. A group of five can be satiated for just about $60 (with food to take home).
But what am I really posting about? Byron, I hope you’re listening buddy… I just found the new “Refine Edge” function in Photoshop CS3. ….god, how many countless hours this tool would have saved me in the last eight years!
I spoke with my Aunt yesterday (to wish her a happy birthday) and was surprised that she had read somewhere on this blog that I said something to the effect of “christians are stupid” I was taken aback, but she was sort of right because I found this post from only twenty days ago.
Belief in unseen forces is one thing. After all- we ARE guided by unseen forces. Anyone who doubts this should read this book. Despite her girly website Lynne brings up some compelling arguments – or evidence rather (as 80% of the book simply describes a multitude of scientific experiments on the nature of quantum mechanics) that George Lucas’ The Force is a something very real and the Zero Point Field is the closest thing we have to God. I found the timing of my conversation (or anti-conversation as it were – we quickly segwayed into something more palatable) very curious as I’d only finished The Field 24 hours prior.
When someone wants to explain god to you—–just ask them to explain how an automatic transmission works.