this will not work

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this will not work

I stumbled upon this last night.

Why does PETA not realize that if we no longer need to keep real animals to slaughter – we won’t keep the real animals at all? Farmers aren’t going to keep hundreds of cows around…for fun… Lab grown meat will decrease the animal population even more… so PETA, would you rather have animals born and raised for our consumption – or just not born?

Actually, this works perfectly since the new demand for ethanol is leading to a corn crop scarcity… we can just use the empty animal fields to grow more corn! Thank you PETA, now I can eat a steak AND drive an SUV without feeling guilty!

2 thoughts on “this will not work

  1. Was it “the space merchants” that had the big tubs of “meat” that started to move and talk? Anyway–soylent green is people. (Ya had to see that coming!)

  2. you mean this?

    I found the death scene in Soylent Green more interesting than the fact that it was made of people…but maybe that is because that qoute is so over-used I knew it going in… Like how I suppose a teenager watching the Matrix today might have a different take on it already knowing what the “matrix” is.

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