nickname coleslaw

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nickname coleslaw

Someone made a youtube of one of my favorite artist’s paintings. …set to one of my favorite musical artist’s songs. A lot of his work is more “fantastic” than bone-chilling – but this video features more of the boney skeleton stuff. When I’m a big rich something or other someday I want to own one of his original paintings.

14 thoughts on “nickname coleslaw

  1. Thanks, I can only dream of one day making artwork as good as this. I thought his work was dali-esque as well.

    Side -note: did you know that an original working production plan for Dune featured Dali (I think in the role that Sting later played) and they were going to pay him $100,000 an hour or some nonsense salary?

    Strange but true.

  2. Really? I didn’t know that. I saw both the original film Dune and the TV mini-series that came years later.

    I went to the Dali exhibit when it was here in LA. I saw the little film that was put together from Dali’s artwork for the Disney film Destino that Disney shelved. I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

  3. well, I believe they are making another movie soon… we’ll see how that goes. I never read the book – and it has been a million years since I’ve seen the movie. I just remember Sting being a jack-ass and some big white blobby thing being very important.

    oh – and big sand snakes too, right?

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