this is only the beginning

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this is only the beginning

My dad brought this story to my attention this morning. I’m sorry, but I don’t see what is so “not cute” about Yang Peiyi. In fact Miaoke almost looks too generic.. too happy.. not real. I think the world would have prefered to see the real deal on the stage. Now they’ve burdened both these girls for life with this “scandal.”

The child on the screen should be flawless in image, in her internal feelings, and in her expression. In the matter of her voice, Yang Peiyi was flawless, in the unanimous opinion of all the members of the team.

Makes you wonder how they’ve been treating their atheletes the last four years….

One question remains: why was Lin Miaoke allowed to give interviews in which she lapped up the praise for her singing. Mr Chen said she might not have known that the words she was singing could not be heard. She had, in fact, only known she was going to perform at all 15 minutes beforehand.

Can we give this Grammy Back now?” Apparently the Chinese think the world’s opinion of lip-syncing has changed in the past two decades.

If this was college football China would be stripped of its medals…. Although maybe not, because there is no reason to think that Yang Peiyi got paid for her work. I’m sure it was an “honor” to be used by her country.

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