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I found this interesting. Particularly because we are directly under San Antonio, yet, I saw more hot women hailing cabs at LAX than the whole four days I was in San Antonio (no offense to my friends in San Antonio). Then again, maybe I’m looking for a specific type of woman that doesn’t really nest in San Antonio.

3 thoughts on “single

  1. I agree with the Author in that Forbes incorrectly assessed LA’s rank in coolness.

    “In “Cool Factor” LA came in 17th, the “Cool Factor” was determined by surveying people and asking, “Among the following U.S. Cities, which one do you think is the coolest?”

    Here’s a question to ask regarding that question, “Who were they talking to?” These people ranked Minneapolis-St.Paul as the eighth coolest. Really? Is it because Prince lives there? Does that up their “Cool Factor”? ”

    Um . . . yeah.

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