Another unfortunate accident occured on the LA Metro this morning (maybe Tom Leykis is going to switch from flash fridays to crash fridays). In an article about the crash I found these interesting statistics:
The accident rate for freeways in 2007 was 1.09 per million miles driven.
The accident rate for the Blue Line in FY08 was 17.1 per million miles operated.
The fatality rate for streets in 2007 0.012 per million miles driven.
The fatality rates for the Blue Line in FY08 was 1.77 per million miles operated.
Interesting because only recently I’ve started using the Metro system to get around when I can (I never drive to downtown anymore). Maybe I should stop.
Justin and I broke in his birthday chess board last night. We are deadlocked at 1-1. The first game I didn’t remember all the rules… and the second I think he was under the influence.