art walk October

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art walk October

Thursday I headed down to the monthly art walk. I met up with Aaron and Alisha around 4th and Broadway and we meandered around. The first gallery we came to (the one with the upstairs video room) we spotted Diedrich Bader and his wife (??).

We trotted around. I let Aaron lead the way as I’d done the last time. This lead to some confusion as I think Aaron’s (by his own admission) spatial skills aren’t so hot.

Here we are a block from the Orpheum checking out the map.

The next gallery we came to was the Phyllis Stein gallery. The gallery was full of drawings on paper tacked to the wall. Notice I said drawings. The show was “paintings by Molly Schiot,” but just because something has paint on it doesn’t make it a painting in my book. This girl couldn’t even draw a nose. Each “painting” consisted of a poorly drawn outline of a person, a bit of paint (in flat colors) to fill out clothing or a face and a “deep” saying or quote. And when I say “deep” – I mean it in the most Jack Handy kind of way.

When we went down to the Hive and Infusion galleries near Spring and 8th we actually found some good art. There was a live painting demonstration outside the hive. Inside infusion there was a very interesting piece by a Japanese artist with mixed media using doll heads and who knows what – but he definitely looked like he should be working on Dark Crystal 2.

At the back of Infusion there was one piece of particularly bad bad art. We started poking fun at it (as if it could hear us) and then suddenly realized that maybe the artist was mentally disabled. There was no description though, so we’ll never know.

Here are a few good pieces from the Hive:

A nice piece by Lee Anne Hale

Two very small, but very good pieces by Paul Lasaine.

Later we ran into a cool old car by a “gangster art” gallery.

Off of 4th and third we passed by a “gallery” that was a really a campaign outpost for Obama.

Down the street from Obama’s house was another gallery. This one had the same art from last month. Remember when I railed against one very talented painter that wasted his skills on pornography themed artwork? I took a picture this time:

Yes, those are giant blow-up dolls.

Walking down the “main drag” (where all the drum circles, live bands, street artists, etc. gather) we came to the cavernous space with a stage at the end. This time the band, As Human, was actually quite good.

There were live paintings being done in the back corners.

On our way back we went down an alleyway into what looked like a very french cafe scene.

There actually was a cafe at the back, with smoothies that weren’t too bad.

more scenes from other photographers can be found here.

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