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intro, homestar, sagas, hail

Did a third mock-up of the intro page over the weekend based on sketches I made in class a week before. I couldn’t figure out how to get the layout right, so this time I’m going to try a more circular approach. Hopefully that SBC upgrade disk will come pretty soon so y’all can see what I’m talking about.

B clued me in to a crazy site last Sunday…

Caught the alien saga documentary on AMC wednesday night. Then the next morning I took an accounting midterm and this obviously ill girl sat right next to me. She was coughing and sneezing all over the place, but I had already started the exam so I couldn’t move, now I feel like I’m coming down with something…

Bought the star wars DVD friday.

Last Sunday there was a terrible hailstorm with hail the size of golf balls. There are dents all over the car, and the left tail light has a hole and a crack running all the way through it. We are trying to get around to get an estimate, but nowhere is open late on the weekdays. We wanted to do it Saturday, but we couldn’t make it around to more than one (to get different prices) before they closed. They all close around noon, and they are all far from our apartment (and each other). The first one we went to didn’t exist anymore even though it was in the phone book, and then the other ones closed before we could get there.

Jeff will be over for dinner tonight and we’ll discuss how we are getting to the wedding next weekend. We will probably just give him a ride, and we will probably just make a brief stop in Athens at your house, B. It is unclear what day or hour we will leave though.

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