
Yellowstone 2023

The Prologue We’d long planned a Long Yellowstone (multiple puns intended, as in the Long family) trip, but as time ebbed on, some Longs had young kids ill suited (yet) for dangerous national parks (some of the acid in those Yellowstone pools will boil and burn your flesh) and other folks (me) became concerned about […]


Family Visit 2022

I don’t blog much anymore. Partially because of self-induced covid precautions drastically narrowing the field of potential topics and partially because in today’s internet-of-things landscape blogging feels like throwing a stone into an ocean on another planet. The current consumption mode seems to be doomscrolling through three second copy and paste clips on Tiktok while […]


Parents Visit 2022

In the Before Times, a visit from my parents would begin a minor adventure. However, during a despite-what-Swanson-heirs-say ongoing pandemic, one must find enthusiasm for outdoor eats and indoor treats. In April the Biden administration had extended the mask mandate beyond the timeline of the trip, so I had fewer worries about a plane full […]


What a trip

On Saturday we were up earlier than normal in order to make our 10am flight at LAX. This was our first flight since the start of the pandemic and we were nervous about covid and the experience in general. Other than keeping watch on who was and wasn’t wearing their mask properly not much had […]


Thundering Waves

After our disastrous 4 hour drive down to La Jolla two weeks ago we did a little google maps research and discovered that Sundays seemed much better than Saturdays. Everyone is traveling to the beach on Saturday, but Sunday appears reserved for locals. So we set out on Sunday, this time half an hour earlier, […]


First Shark Run of 21

And maybe the last? In all the previous years of our snorkeling adventures, we’d done day trips to Shaw’s Cove (Orange County) and two-day overnights to La Jolla (San Diego County). Last year, however, an unexpected benefit of the pandemic was less traffic. We were able to do same day trips to La Jolla multiple […]


An Unfortunate Event

During the pandemic, Sam and I chose to be more cautious than many others due to underlying health issues we both have. We only had food prepared outside the home twice, and both times it was “hot” food untouched (in theory) by human hands on its way from the oven to us – and we […]

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