Year: 2006


in addition

also… Everyone likes to point out the inconsistencies in this film, plot holes and so on. I’m watching the scene on the ridge where we throw all our military might at the aliens and they just keep on coming. Well… wouldn’t our military leaders be smart enough to figure out that if we can’t hurt […]


how do you do

So I’m bored, its Sunday night. A friend was supposed to hang out with me tonight but never called (cough cough Mr. Montes) so I’m bored. I decide to watch War of the Worlds again. There is a scene that was mentioned in every review I read last summer. Every critic marvelled at the seamlessness […]


LSU fans

finally… I read college football stories a lot and this is the first one I’ve ever read that even hints that USC only has one national championship. (scroll down to the third paragraph)



Also…was anybody else amazed at the bravado of USC? Their halftime marching band show was the perfect example of why all non-alumnus and non-Angelenos (and even some Angelenos too) hate USC. The band decided to forego the usual Earth Wind and Fire or Santana songs for… Micheal Jackson’s “Bad.” To make matters worse they decided […]


The Fall of Troy

Here is unaltered text from an email I sent my cousin John before the big game last night. I was sure of my stance that USC couldn’t handle UT and even bet one of my bosses a lunch. Amy saw how confident I was and put $10 in the company pool. She picked up $30 […]



I got an email today from my brother in response to my post the other day. I’m assuming he’d want this posted as the title to the email is: “your site didn’t allow me to post this but here is my response.” unaltered text from the email is below: WHAT? no, seriously, what the hell […]

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