Japan is living in the future… we are not

4 thoughts on “Japan is living in the future… we are not

  1. Forward away! I wonder if your Japanese friend can verify this thing. The website I pulled it from says it is only something like $10 a month for a pass (these are at metro stops) – and it takes 23 seconds to retrieve the bike later.

  2. Toyota’s sales of SUV’s (in US) are dropping so they just raised prices. Sales of small cars are going up so they are raising prices even more. Toyota just released their profit figures and profits went down for the first time in 9 years–maybe they can copy the i-pod to show how Japan thinks up “new” things. (worked on a similar system for pallets at Shell about 10 years ago)

  3. seriously…what the hell happened to Sony? If anyone should make a resurgence and beat down the ipod it should be the original mobile music people…but they are nowhere…

    Nevermind the fact that US money after WWII sponsored all the Japanese innovation anyway…

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