the housing crisis
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
some people just get dumber
I finished studying for my midterm on Thursday and “rewarded” myself with a game of windows vista chess (how sad is that?!). I actually won, so now maybe I can move up to level 5 (out of 10). Rather than start another game, something possessed me to check out myspace. Myspace suggested I might […]
I know I’m good at drawing, but c’mon!
Can someone more versed in chess please explain to me how this is a draw? (I’m white, it is black’s move) The way I see it, the King has three moves, all of which end in death by my queen. Isn’t this putting the King in checkmate? Microsoft doesn’t think so, and I’d like to […]
I just so happened to be eating scrambled eggs too
Never found a stranger in the alps, though!
perfect shirt for Byron
can someone explain this to me?
Is that what mormons/prop 8ers tell their children?
What were those two men doing, mommy? They were consoling each other, sweetie….
Breakin’ my balls
the circle of life
And seriously, am I the only one that sees these things? I saw this “Avenged Sevenfold” picture in an email from ticketmaster about upcoming concerts. These […]