get out

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get out

After work on Monday a friend drove me to Galpin to pick up my car.  That day was one of the 5 days a year that it happened to rain in Los Angeles, and so the dealership didn’t bother to wash my car as they’d promised.  That left me a little bitter considering I’d been joking to myself that this whole car repair business was just a really expensive carwash.

We went to in n’ out for dinner before I went to play racquetball.  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the big deal with In n’ Out.  Every time I go there I’m less and less impressed and have to remind myself not to come back.  Their burgers (like the Big Mac) get smaller every time (not my imagination) and their fries taste like chalk bits. 

After I got home later I decided to take a crack at Sam’s back.  Not literally of course, but painterly.  She had modelled for that ribbon painting, but everyone that has seen it has noticed right away that she has “too many ribs” or “ribs coming out of her back.”  see here:

So, I got out my tools and went to work.  I had a strange conversation with myself about touching up one’s own work.  We all know how most folks feel about George Lucas’ decision to tinker with his old creations.  However, I’m certainly no George Lucas.  Since the painting has never been shown outside my bedroom I felt it was okay.  Truthfully I felt more worried about figuring out the color palette than anything else as the skin had been done in multiple layers over a number of weeks and it might be hard to duplicate that look in a matter of hours.

Here is a shoddy photo of the area after my “fix” last night.  The placement of the spine still doesn’t sit right with me… but this position is technically almost impossible in real life – so I challenge y’all to get in the position and show me how it SHOULD look!

I also found out that at the same time I was making a “ribbon girl” one of my art idols, James Jean was doing his own.

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