I think I ruffled some feathers with that “check” posting last weekend. Such are the dangers with writing without a filter on occasion. I want to make it clear that I’m not “hating women” or trying to start a “battle with women” or anything like that – just lashing out from inside my cave when I felt vulnerable I guess.
I had to make an early morning trip to LAX (not flying) this morning which took me down the 405 past the infamous Wilshire West exit. For some reason as I drove by trying to stave back a flood of memories a thought popped into my head. My last three relationships are really the only ones I consider to be “real” relationships. The strange thing is that they are counting down.
Celeste – three years
Amy – two years
Beverly – one year (almost to the day)
What does that mean?
“support mental health or I’ll kill you”
It means your ready. The next one will probably be it.
In response to bigdaddydj: I am one that is in agreement that the feiminazis have castrated the Mordern Male.
I grew up with a feminist mom but it didn’t sway me to think and believe that way. I had a VERY brief period when I considered myself a feminist–my senior year of highschool. After that I became very conservative and valued conservative thinking. I value men and hope that more men stand up and be the men they should be.