karma dharma

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karma dharma

Chinese class didn’t go so well last night. It probably had more to do with the fact that I didn’t really study than anything else. The expected comprehension level seemed to shoot way up as we were quizzed on multiple new words and phrases without being able to look in the book. At one point we were expected to be actors, memorizing lines and repeating them in Mandarin without looking. Needless to say the only person in the class that did well at this exercise was the Taiwanese guy. The class is now down to just five people (it was four last week, but someone came back). I ended up saying wang le a lot (“I forget”).

After class as I was opening the door to the bathroom in the hallway one of my classmates said “hey! Do you have a minute?” This was Dharam, the Chi-Gong student I mentioned in a blog entry maybe a month ago. He was one of the few people in the class I spoke with (the other one, a girl named Ronnie, has apparently dropped out) – and ended up admitting my true reason for joining the class. He proceeded to tell me (and I wrote this down so I could remember it verbatim): “There is a lot of leftover stuff (sic) you are broadcasting into the room. I can help you with that.” He then gave me his website address and told me to email him if I’d like his “help.”

So now I’m not sure if I can go back to this class. Perhaps my discomfort shows more than I thought. I suppose I’ve always worn my emotions on my sleeve for better or for worse. I wouldn’t want to spoil the class for those guys whose “study partners” are still with them and are actually getting a lot of use out of it. They started badgering us last week (class #4) to sign up for the next round of classes. This week they told us if we didn’t pay now we’d have a $50 “late” fee. Strong arm tactics have never worked on me (unless that arm is connected to a beautiful woman, then I’m helpless) – so needless to say I won’t be continuing my education at that learning center. I haven’t made up my mind about next week – but my enthusiasm is definitely starting to wain, and now I have to have an awkward conversation with Dharam (which is unavoidable when there are only four other people in the classroom).

In other news, my car hit 70,000 miles this morning. It isn’t yet five years old.

6 thoughts on “karma dharma

  1. I tried yoga a few years ago. Stopped going because my cuban yoga buddy moved back to Florida. Was supposed to start going regularly with someone else more recently – but that ain’t happening now. maybe I should see if the schedule at LAFitness is still the same as it was when I was going with my cuban friend.

    I could use a massage… for sure.

  2. you should try yoga and/or get a real massage. it loosens all your tight wound up bundled up energy and muscles. i’m dead serious, yoga can be an enlightening experience just because you feel amazing afterwards. and it’s natural, and it’s cheaper than anything else. for cheap massage, go to the local physical therapy/massage school where the students have to practice on people. do that a couple times, then go to a real spa and get a full body massage from a professional.

  3. If that double secret mystic bull shit actually worked—-everybody would be doing it. I suspect you would always need several more lessons ($$$$$) to achieve whatever it is you need. I wonder how many others were broadcasting into the room and need help–I suspect all of them. Exercise makes you feel beter–that’s it. All that Asian mumbo-jumbo don’t mean a thing–.44 mag beats Qui Chin Duck Po’op every time. Been there-done that.

  4. I would say that it is all in the mind. If exercise does it – fine. If Chi-Gong does it – fine. If bible study does it – fine. As long as you don’t force me to do any of them.

    Although lately exercise hasn’t been doing it for me. I go in and spend maybe four minutes on the machines and walk out. Something in me just isn’t up to it anymore. I actually went back to the old gym in northridge that is much farther away on Monday just for something different.

    I think Cindy is going to try to get me into her Kettlebell stuff too…maybe I’ll like that…

  5. I’ve heard of Chi Gong before. I knew a friend who was trying to use the concepts to help “heal himself”. Didn’t work. I suppose Chi Gong could work based on the theory of positive thinking. When a person is thinking more positively, their life seems to improve. But under that umbrella any type of positive thinking would work for anyone. I’m thinking Dharam has a keen eye for people who he thinks might be potential clients. In the end a salesman is a salesman–at ALL times. You could have been having some serious troubles or you could have just had indigestion. Either way he really wouldn’t have known.

  6. No, he ALREADY knew, because I already told him why I was in the class… He just waited until I struggled in the class (I was doing really good until last night) to strike.

    PS – this isn’t my first experience with Chi-Gong. I sat in on two sessions when Beverly was doing the translation for a Chi-Gong “Master” and also was with her when she was receiving private instruction from one of the “Master’s” students.

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