lost references

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lost references

I was IMing with someone a bit younger (about 6 years) than me the other day – and I said “stay frosty!” and then followed it up with “Wierzbowski!”

Then I realized my error… said young woman who doesn’t watch “scary movies” probably had no idea what I was talking about.

Probably nobody does except for Matt Stone, Trey Parker, Byron, myself and these awesome people.

13 thoughts on “lost references

  1. I think youth or age has nothing to do with it. It’s more of a genre reference. I’m *gasp* old and I haven’t the faintest clue what you are talking about either.

    I’m not a fan of scary movies unless they have some kind of a good storyline. The standard jump-out-and-scare-the-audience type of scary movie isn’t my thing so I don’t watch many. I really liked The Ring but you would probably think that one lame or stupid like most of my friends.

    {I also loved the original Alien and Wait Until Dark (now I’m showing my age). Now THOSE were scary movies.}

    1. To me Aliens technically wasn’t really a scary movie – it was an action movie heavy on (really cool) special effects. It was everything Giger had done for the first movie but on a massive scale.

      However, if you see monsters as scary… it is still a scary movie. Lord knows what I thought of it when I saw it for the first time in my parents’ living room when I was about eight years old when it premiered on cable. I remember sitting on the floor for some reason… Dad, can you shed any light on this?

      1. No, not the sequels–the first Alien movie. That movie was not about gadgets, special effects or action. It was all about the suspense that was created by having the one alien on the ship and the fear that caused. It’s been a long time since I saw the movie, and I was a kid when I saw it, but that intense suspence really scared me.

        1. Yes, I know. I was talking about Aliens… which the posting was about.

          I own the quadroligy (quadrilogy?), so I know the differences. I know Alien 3 was David Fincher’s first full-length feature film. I know that Alien IV was originally scripted by Joss Wedon and featured a ship made out of wood….

          I know that in the original script for Alien Tom Skerrit was seen cocooned and turning into an alien in a scene later cut for pacing reasons (although to include it would have completely changed the reproductive cycle of the xenomorph in later films/mythos).

          I know that H.R. Giger met Alien script write Dan O’ Bannon when they were working on Dune in the mid-70s and that Alien was the 13th script Dan O Bannon wrote after suffering a mental breakdown from the complications of the decade long process of making (and abandoning) what would become David Lynch’s Dune.

          I even watched all the movies and took notes when I was in high school and came up with an actual chronological chain of events (real years) each movie happened.


            1. I can’t expand on it.. .it was dumb. The one good thing was that they had the ship crash land into Earth – thus bringing the aliens to Earth for Alien 5… which is apparently never going to happen (especially after AVP and AVP2).

              The only good thing about Alien IV was that they perfected the “look” of the aliens.

  2. fave lines:

    “I may be synthetic, but I’m not stupid.”

    “You know, Burke, I don’t know which species is worse. You don’t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.”

    “Maybe you haven’t been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal! ”

    what’s not to love here??

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