TOOL concert review

Saw TOOL last night. Best concert ever… They played for two hours (minus a few small intermissions). There were a few surprises which I won’t mention because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. If you go see the show and you can’t figure out what the tan things on the floor (in the cg animation) in Reflection are….they are human bodies with head, legs, and arms cut off; it took me a few minutes to figure that out. They opened with The Grudge and ended with Lateralus. They played A LOT of songs from the new album. The Grudge, Reflection, The Patient, schism, Lateralus, Disposition, some of the intermissions, and more. If I screw up on any of those its cuz I haven’t memorized the names of those songs yet. From other albums were Opiate (yes!!!), Undertow, Pushit (a mixed version of Aenima and Salival), Stinkfist, and 46 and 2. At the end of Reflection Adam played those three notes forever because they had to replace the monitors, but by that time they had most of the sound kinks worked out (as far as the audience’s part). Adam Jones came out and screwed around during a Messugah song (which would be the only interesting part of their whole set…..). Unfortunetly I have to say that Nine Inch Nails makes better background…animation/movies, but this show still blew that one out of the water.

This was my second show, but it was the first for the rest of the people I went with. The ozzfest show pales in comparison of course, although there is something to be said for rocking out to aenima (the song) while tons of dirt are in the air and riot copters are circling overhead. I’m speaking of ozzfest 98 at the Polaris.

A good bit into the show Maynard stopped and started to vaguely mention the terrorist actions and people started chanting “USA!! USA!!”, which I don’t think he liked at all because he said “this is not a political pulpit!” He then went on to tell the audience to take all the hurt and do something positive with it. (which adroit TOOL fans know was part of his message to the audience long before the bombing)

Its Celeste’s first day of work at Long’s today. Aaron is moving out and we’ll finally get everything squared away as far as rooms and …stuff. Celeste made a tempting chocolate cake last night but I don’t know if I should eat it or if its for her aunt that is coming tomorrow…

I saw an idiot review the TOOL show on toolshed. He was complaining about how the band didn’t move around on stage. Here are my comments to him:

#1….who did he come to see?-Poison?!

#2….Adam Jones can’t move around a lot due to an accident which has left one of his legs slightly crippled permanently

#3….Maynard stayed in front of the projector on purpose, so we could see all the gyrations he does

#4….Justin did move…especially his big head of British hair

#5….Danny moved a hell of a lot, but he obviously isn’t going to walk out of the drum cage and mosh with the audience or something.

#6….Do you like TOOL or not…?

I was glad everyone knew Opiate. I was really angry after I went to the Deftones concert and the place was filled with TRL 13 year olds who only knew Pink Maggot/Back to School. Nice that most of the people at this show were real fans (except for the guy I was talking about before). I ran into Kenny and Wagner and of course forgot to tell them I have a website now.

ok, I’m needed to play Kart in the other room………I’ll write more bad grammar and punctuation errors later…go see TOOL!!!!!!!!

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