Author: Andrew


six flags

ok….well never mind about the six flags deal….thought we had free tickets…guess not… I just found out today that when I get to Cleveland a large amount of Celeste’s extended family will be waiting to meet me before they go home (to wherever they are from). I just shaved a lot of my hair off……so […]



Its halftime in the season opener for the buckeyes, we are up 21-7. I’m getting ready to travel. Turns out I will be in Cleveland with Celeste till Thursday. I have to take a greyhound up there at 8 in the morning, but once we get there we’ll go to Six Flags… it all works […]


mean people

first negative response to this site came in today (wow that was fast….). wrote me an email at 3a.m. “gets me nowhere, your site is that of aol homepage’s for the cronic chat masturbators, what can you possibly have to do with tool? just don’t email me with shit that doesn’t have to do […]

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