working behind the scenes
I’ve been quietly amassing new artwork for my next update for this website. Expect a new site up for this and LongImage by January 2007. For this site I’ll be using photo-realism techniques for the main layout for the first time. On LongImage I’ll have a much more extensive portfolio. I have between 10 and […]
then you’ve got people like this going the other way. These people assert that Peak Oil is a scam… A scam perpetrated by our government to control the world population in order to dominate it… Too often Peak Oil “fansites” are linked to scientific articles while these “Peak Oil is a scam” sites are linked […]
Pining for the Cuco
Nothing makes you feel dumber than calling the bank and asking for a stop-payment on your check… yourself. Last week I put in a transfer of funds order with my savings account. I thought I was transferring money from savings to my checking account. I was doing it so I could pay off my car, […]
great…so …
so today makes it seven times this week that I’ve been spammed…. my only recourse to stop this is make everyone who wants to comment register. Isn’t it ironic that the first guy to complain to me about getting notices every time there are spam replies to all his posts…is the same guy that moaned […]
ugh…well…at least he wasn’t at a frat party in Texas
Damn it McCain, just run as an independent you big wuss!
Moore money
Last weekend I finally saw Fahrenheit 9/11. Now, I debated with myself for a long time (a week apparently) whether I should write a review or not. I think my review would probably be pointless since many people I know are just going to lambaste it without even seeing it based on the Republican talking […]
U. resume
ok, Mr. Machine has informed me that it is a watermark of sorts in Word that was causing the problem. I had to go into the file properties and change the author. Problem solved.
Amy, Will, B, Brian, Mr. Machine, and so on
Amy was here from Thursday to Monday this past weekend. I taught her how to play racquetball and she taught me how to play tennis. She took me to a store called Wild Oats that is pretty interesting. We also went to see I-Robot on Saturday night. Here is my review of that: I haven’t […]
Well, Lollapalooza was cancelled today. Surprise Surprise.. A lot of you may remember me complaining about how I couldn’t go to the show in Cleveland because it was during the week… Well, looks like I was right and Perry was wrong. I guess he assumed that only high school kids would go to see the […]